11 pm, with a cup of tea, a nice book, and I was just started reading. I came across this term; “The Halo Effect”. I stopped reading the book and decided to read a little bit about this phenomenon.  So, let me share with you the outcome.

I will start by giving the example mentioned in the book that I was reading in the beginning (Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman).
“When the handsome and confident speaker bounds onto the stage, for example, you can anticipate that the audience will judge his comments more favorably than her deserves”. The example showed what The Halo Effect is. It is simply: letting your postive judgement on a person in one trait effecting your overall judgement positively on that same person. For instance, you met a nice guy, after that, you assumed that he is smart. On the other hand, there is The Horn Effect (The complete opposite of The Halo Effect).  You met an ugly guy, then you assume that they are stupid.

What can we benefit from this post?

1- Use this trait for your good. Let the people see the good thing or skill which you have and possess. This will effect their overall judgement on you generally. Buy an Iphone, dress well, speak with confident.

2- Do not be fooled with The Halo Effect. Judge and evaluate people’s traits separately. Also, do not be unfair with people because of The Horn Effect.

Your comments on the posts make me happy. You can feel that you are writing on the wall of my room, a piece of writing that will be here forever. This post ends here, the rest is non-related .

Music of The Week

Quote of The day

I wonder if the stars and planets, up there, have memories!

  • Dr Mohammad F. Al-Kuhaili (In The Last Lecture of Physics 101 in 2018 – fall semester)


My Casio A159W - It always makes mediocrity looks like a masterpiece.
I got a teeth cleaning this week. Who can mention the missing tooth?

5 thoughts on “The Halo Effect !

  1. I really enjoyed reading this article with fully loaded insights on the topic shared 👍

    Many thanks for sharing this with me.

    Best regards,

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